Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 12.45.47 PM.png

  1. Before turning on, check the hotend(heating block) and clean the nozzle tip. Ensure it is flat.
  2. Clean the bed with 99% alcohol spray and wipe with cloth
  3. Turn on the printer
  4. While connected to YsDrone wifi, go to octopi.local on your browser
    1. octopi.local 으로 접속되지 않으면 로 접속 (혹은 octopi ip 주소)
  5. Log in to Octoprint (ID - ysdronemember, PW - ysdrone!)
  6. Home the printer
    1. Option 1 - Go to the terminal tab Octoprint and type G28
    2. Option 2 - Press the home buttons on the XY and Z movement options
  7. Bed leveling
    1. Option 1
      1. After homing, click the motor off option in Octoprint
      2. Move the print head manually to each corner and level using the screws below
      3. In terms of leveling it is best to slide a piece of paper under the nozzle and move it around until there is some resistance
      4. Once all 4 corners feel similar bed leveling is complete
    2. Option 2
      1. After homing move to terminal
      2. Type in g1 f2000 x30 y30. This will move the nozzle to 30,30 on the bed
      3. Check with the paper to level
      4. Type in g1 x190. This will move the nozzle to 190,30 on the bed
      5. Check level
      6. Type in g1 y190. This will move the nozzle to 190, 190 on the bed
      7. Check level
      8. Type in g1 x30. This will move the nozzle to 30, 190 on the bed
      9. Check level
      10. Type in g1 y30. This will return the nozzle to 30, 30 on the bed
      11. Check level
  8. Once bed leveling is done. Upload the print to Octoprint server
  9. Select the model to print, check for the amount of filament left, then start printing
  10. Once print is done, wait until it cools and the part should come out on it’s own.

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