By 김민준
Tolerance -
- Circular <18mm diameter - 0.15~0.2mm (ex. 8mm hole → 8.2mm)
- Circular >18mm diameter - 0.2~0.4mm (ex. 26mm hole → 26.4mm)
- Rectangular - 0.1~0.3mm (ex 15x15 hole → 15.2x15.2mm)
- For longer holes, ex. wing sections, give tolerance on the larger side
Infill Consideration -
- Infill interface with hole may result in tighter fit in that section. Consider infill optimized prints (youtube tutorial - Tom Stanton)
- Gyroid and 3D Honeycomb for highest strength/weight ratio
- Infill shape will impact part strength in different axes. Ex. Grid infill will be strong in 90 degree loads, but weaker to 45 degree loads.
Bed Adhesion Consideration -
- Ideally use brims to reduce warping. Even for PLA prints, longer or wider prints, or higher infill density prints will result in warping.