2024.08.03 18:18

작성자: 박준규

<aside> 📢 Remark 2024.08.04: AFTER reading this page (and the mentioned links), go to Path Generation (Fixed Wing only!)


So… there is a problem where trajectory setpoint (position) doesn’t work in offboard mode.

Cause is probably that we didn’t send both position and velocity setpoints? Will try to reproduce at home.


Some guys are definitely using position control in offboard mode, so we should check it out first.

“The first problem was similar to the original issue above. In offboard mode(using ros2), I couldn't control the vehicle with TrajectorySetpoint(uORB message). But I found out that I need to send velocity setpoint as well as position setpoint when I publishing TrajectorySetpoint message! If I pass velocity setpoint as 'nan', then navigatePathTangent() will not work! (in FixedwingPositionControl.cpp, in function control_auto_path(), in function navigatePathTangent()) (https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/blob/main/src/modules/fw_pos_control/FixedwingPositionControl.cpp#L3073) So I tried sending both position and velocity setpoint together, and checked the vehicle travels well in xy plane.”

From: https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/issues/22288#issuecomment-2052650817
