작성자: 박준규
최초작성 2023.01.16(월) 수정 2023.01.17(화)
Official Documentation: https://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/CreatingPackage
script provided by ROS to create a package:#Go to the ros_workspace/src directory
cd ~/ros_workspace/src
#use the catkin_create_pkg script to create a new package
#it will be called 'beginner_tutorials'
#and will depend on std_msgs, roscpp, and rospy
catkin_create_pkg test_package std_msgs roscpp rospy
#For example,
#catkin_create_pkg <package_name> [dependency1] [dependency2] [dependency3]
#the dependencies are optional.
Now that you have created a package, inside the package root directory (/ros_workspace/src/test_package), there should be:
folderIf you are making a node in Python, you should create a scripts
directory inside the package root directory. (test_package/scripts
Inside the scripts
directory, you can create your own Python scripts for the package.
An example can be found in TurtleSim에 DWA Planner 적용시켜보기 (ROS1)
Open the package.xml file. If you have mounted the directory using multipass mount
, you can open it from your Mac Finder app as well.
Opened the file in my Mac environment.