작성자: 박준규


Let’s do this.

<aside> ⚠️ TODO: Create repository for our modified version of PX4-Autopilot (with modified SDF) on GitHub


<aside> 💡 For PX4 build instructions, skip to “Setting up the companion (mission) PC and Pixhawk FC”.


Code (WIP)

GitHub - junekyoopark/krac2024: YonseiDrone KRAC2024, (this is a dev fork of https://github.com/JoesCodeLib/ysdrone_v2)

<aside> 📢 Note that development on this repo will be done using PX4 release version 1.15.0-rc1 due to many bug fixes regarding TECS and NPFG. Note that the PID gains may be a little bit off when using this version in real hardware…


For example, https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/pull/23041

You can read more about this particular pull in the links attached in this page: Offboard Waypoint Following Related

We need to test this version thoroughly for safety (as in real flight tests) as it is a release CANDIDATE - not an official release.


  1. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (any version of 22.04 should work)
  2. ROS2 Humble
    1. source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash should be inside bashrc

Setting up the simulator (usage guide for real hardware is written below)

Download PX4-Autopilot

cd ~
git clone <https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot.git> --recursive

Change PX4-Autopilot version to v1.15.0-rc1

cd PX4-Autopilot
git checkout v1.15.0-rc1 #check the version here
make submodulesclean