SLAM 스터디 (3기)

연세드론에서 진행하는 스터디

구체적인 자료와 커리큘럼은 위 페이지를 참고

03.20 Basic Mathematics

03.27 SVD & Newton’s Method

04.03 Introduction to SLAM (Cyrill Stachniss)

04.03 Self-Driving Cars - Lecture 7.2 (Odometry, SLAM and Localization: SLAM)

04.08 Gaussian vs Non-Gaussian Model / Self-Driving Cars - Lecture 7.3 / Featrue-based SLAM Paper Review

05.08 3DVFH* Paper Review

05.15 Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter_(1) Quaternion

07.30 SLAM의 이해와 구현 part I~III